Grazie Adi! La prima delle mie interviste online...Thank you Adi! My first interview online...
Nome. Name.
Dove abiti? Where do you live?
Cosa ti piace/non ti piace della tua città? What do you like/do not like of your city?
I like the fact that it's a modern city, very outgoing, people are always in the streets. I don't like Milan when it's very cold, or humid, and cloudy.. the grey city!
Dove compri i vestiti? Where do you go when you go shopping?
Everywhere. From Hugo Boss, to Diesel, to H&M and Zara.
Perchè hai scelto questo determinato stile (il tuo) di abbigliamento? Why did you chose this style (yours) of clothes?
Because I feel very comfortable in them, it expresses my personality, and they adapt to my every-day lifestyle.
Che indumento/accessorio guardi di più nelle persone? Which garment/accessory do you look in the other people mostly?
In their handbags and shoes. Accessories I might say. When it's in the winter, I see their scarves, and hats, even umbrellas.
Un indumento/accessorio che ti rispecchia. A garment/accessory that describe yourself mostly.
Colorful scarves, men's Panama hats, extra-large handbags.
Che cos'è per te lo stile? What is the style for you?
For me style is the way people are. The way they dress, act, what they do every day and how they do it, it's a style. It can be a good style or a bad style; depending on people's taste.
Se la tua città fosse una persona come la vestiresti o quale indumento assoceresti ad essa? If your city were a person how would you dress it or which garment would you associate to it?
Dark glasses, without a doubt. Umbrella because it rains often. And a wind jacket.
Che colore associ alla tua città? Which color do you associate to your city?
Dove vai nel tempo libero? Where do you go when you have free time?
Working out in the gym, to my favourite bar, and shopping in the center.
A quale città fai riferimento (se ne hai qualcuna in particolare) per meglio rispondere al tuo stile? To which city you make reference (it you have some in particular) for better answering to your style?
Senti che in qualche modo la tua città (o la città in cui vorresti vivere) combacia con il tuo stile? Do you feel that somehow your city (or the city where you would want to live) it fits with your style?
Yes, because I feel comfortable in that city, and I feel I am not the only one who wants to express myself throughout clothes.
Ti senti parte della tua città? Do you feel yourself part of the city?
Yes, very much.